3455 Locke Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107

Teeth In A Day With All-On-4 Dental Implants in Fort Worth, TX

Dr. Damon has personally completed over 1,000 all-on-4 dental implant cases as of 2020. Let alone the number of thousands of other single unit implants or “snap-on” dental implants he has done as well. If you are looking for a natural and permanent solution for multiple missing teeth, all-on-4 may be the answer for your smile.


All-On-4 Dental Implants

We often see patients with a failing dentition who have been told they don’t have enough bone for implants. We can help. If your dentures are failing you and you want a more permanent and comfortable option, you should consider the all-on-4 treatment with our specialists here in Fort Worth.

Texas Implant & Dental Center of Fort Worth offers the highest quality of treatment with All-on-4® dental implants. Our teeth in a day procedure is a fast-track solution to a restored smile.

If you are ready to get your smile back, and even better, your life back, keep reading to learn more about our all-on-4 dental implant treatment.



Frequently Asked Questions About All On 4 Dental Implants (FAQ)

What Makes Permanent Dental Implants All-on-4 a Good Option?

It’s simple. Results!

Dr. Clark Damon has spent the last decade performing the same-day dental implant procedure for thousands of patients across Texas. Our team has given smiles back to many patients who lost their smiles due to loose, missing, or just unhealthy teeth.

We can restore your bite as well as your ability to speak freely, eat whatever foods you want, and you will gain life-changing self-confidence. Our patients love how much younger and better they look after all-on-4 treatment than they even did when they had all their natural teeth. Dental implants are an investment that will change your life.

All-On-4 Dental Implants Are Disease Curing

End your suffering with Periodontal Disease, dental decay, the ever-ending dental appointments, and failing dentistry with permanent dental implants. By eliminating the teeth, we eliminate the disease – and now, with the disease gone, patients feel better—no more painful toothaches.

No More Dentures!

Dentures create limitations for patients as they are a prosthesis. Dentures don’t allow patients to chew food well. Now more can patients can eat more as they did before when they had their natural teeth. For patients facing tooth loss or who have a current denture, permanent dental implants are the best option for getting their teeth back and eating all the foods they desire.

Feeling More Confident

We love seeing the confidence all-on-4 treatment gives our patients. You can have a more secure, natural-looking smile and replace weak enamel with Dental Implants. Another advantage? Dental implants do not decay – so you can look your best and not worry about your crowns or veneers decaying!

Replacing Missing or Failing Teeth

We can replace a full set of failing teeth under IV Sedation with one procedure in one day. Traditional dentistry can require up to 30 visits to fix some of our patients’ teeth – not anymore with dental implants at Texas Implant & Dental Center of Fort Worth.


All On Four Patient Reviews



Dr. Damon Describes His Teeth in a Day Procedure on the Wellness Hour



What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants and Fixed Teeth With One Procedure in One Day?

Reduced Costs

Since all-on-4 uses just four implants placed in a way that maximizes patients’ available bone with tilted implants, we can provide a same-day, graft-less implant solution! Less hardware means fewer dental appointments, and a simple single surgery equals cost savings compared to other grafting and older standard implant methods.

Less Invasive

Traditionally, patients seeking a permanent implant solution needed three surgeries over 16 months with hip grafts, sinus lifts, healing in a denture, and an expensive cost of over $75,000!

The all on four is a less invasive option, as most cases need only a single surgery done in 55 minutes—less than an hour. Less can be more! Less hardware and less preparation also equal a shorter procedure with less downtime. When choosing Texas Implant & Dental Center of Fort Worth, you only have to go to one office as we are a true implant center with the Surgery Suite, Dental Lab, and restorative dental office. This is a rare commodity.

Immediate Results

Our doctors can remove teeth, place four implants, and attach a fixed temporary bridge for nearly all patients, all in the same appointment (under IV Sedation). This means you can leave our office with a fixed temporary bridge in just a few hours. Our patients are overjoyed to hear that they can even eat a hamburger for dinner that night with their new teeth.


More Benefits of All on Four Dental Implants


All-on-4 Implants provide lasting results and are one of the most studied dental procedures since 2000.

Are you wondering if the all-on-4 will work for you? Contact us today at 806-513-3624 to schedule a consultation.


Who Is a Good Candidate for All on 4 Dental Implants?

All-on-4 is a good option for many patients facing tooth loss or who are currently in a denture.

Necessary Extraction

If you have been told you need multiple teeth removed and are facing a denture, you may be a good candidate for All-on-4. We can often extract teeth, place implants, and attach a restoration in one day—no more dentures.

Jawbone Recession

If you have waited to do something about missing teeth, you have probably suffered bone atrophy or loss. In most cases, the all-on-4 can be placed without the need for bone grafting.

Multiple Missing Teeth

If you have lost most or all of your teeth on the upper or lower dental arch, a denture supported by All-on-4 implants can quickly and efficiently restore your smile.


How Does All-On-4 Work?

The All-on-4 Technique

While under IV Sedation, the necessary teeth are removed, your jaws are prepared, and four implants are placed in the jaw; Two angled implants are placed in the back of the jaw, and two vertical implants are placed in the front.

After surgery, we attach a temporary fixed bridge to the abutments and implants; incredibly, 97% of patients can walk out of our office with a permanent fixed temporary bridge, a great new smile, and ready to eat a hamburger for dinner that very night. We tilt the posterior implants to avoid sinuses, avoid bone grafting, and engage more dense bone to ensure immediate loading.


What Can I Expect During All-On-4 Treatment?


Before we begin your procedure, we will ensure you are comfortable using IV Sedation. You can rest comfortably through the procedure.


Once you are sedated, Dr. Damon or Dr. Mohr will perform any necessary tooth extractions of severely decayed, loose, or damaged teeth.

Implant Placement

Dr. Damon or Dr. Diana Mohr will place two implants vertically at the front of your jaw and two implants at an angle in the back of the jaw to maximize contact with bone tissue and avoid bone grafting.

Fixed Temporary Bridge

The final step of your initial procedure will be attaching a Non-removable Fixed Temporary Bridge that you can wear while your implants become integrated with your jaw. You can eat a hamburger the night of surgery! 97% of the time, patients leave our office with a fixed set of teeth ready to eat what they want on the day of surgery.

Final Restoration

In three to six months, our team can attach your permanent final implant bridge. We make ours out of zirconia, so it is the longest-lasting and strongest. We wait 3 – 6 months to ensure the gums have found their way to their final resting place and that the implants were successful. This is important to ensure your implants last long-term.


See How the Bridge Attaches to Implants for a Secure Foundation



Eat What You Want, Regain Your Teeth With All-on-4 Dental Implants

At Texas Implant & Dental Center of Fort Worth and with dental implant experts Dr. Damon and Dr. Mohr, we have the tools, team, and experience to do all-on-4 procedures in our office. We are a true dental implant center in Dallas, Fort Worth. As a dental implant center, this means we combine the surgical suite, dental office, and dental lab in one convenient location.

With our all-on-4 procedure, Dr. Damon or Dr. Mohr can replace all of your failing teeth with one procedure in one day. You will walk out of our office with permanently fixed teeth on the day of surgery. We are one of the busiest implant centers in Fort Worth, completing 3 – 4 cases per week.


Our Patient Results

The all on 4 is a concept wherewith one procedure, in one day, bad teeth can be removed, four dental implants can be placed, and a fixed – non-removable – temporary prosthesis is created to replace teeth immediately. Our patients walk out with a fixed new smile after the procedure.

There is no bone grafting involved, so it is a one-surgery, one-step procedure. We perform the all on four in both Richardson, TX, and Fort Worth, TX. Dr. Damon performs several cases each week, and we were the first dental implant center in Fort Worth to bring the all-on-four together in one location. Dr. Damon has been successfully treating over 1000 cases of all-on-four patients since early 2013.


How Do I Start the All on 4 Process?

Give us a call at 806-513-3624 to schedule a consultation where you will meet our dental assistants and doctor. We will perform a 3-D CT Scan and have a complete oral exam. Our doctors will evaluate your condition and if the all on four is right for you. We are excited to hear from you!


What Does All on 4 Cost?

At the initial consultation, we will also go over the cost of your all on 4 treatment, as it varies from patient to patient. Everyone’s oral health situation is unique. To move forward, you will need impressions, a second appointment for a wax rim, and then a third appointment for a viewing of your next teeth. We will then schedule surgery. Get ready for a new smile and an amazing new quality of life.